Throughout life's journey, amidst its hiccups and peaks, have you ever stopped to ask: Who am I beyond the roles I play, the labels I carry, and the external features that define us? This question, often buried beneath the demands of parenthood, the expectations of a career, or the responsibilities of friendship, carries immense importance. It was during a moment of my life when I took a leap of faith, closing the door on a career that didn’t fulfill me merely in exchange for money. It was me, simply giving back the world and individuals who had influenced me, a version of myself I no longer recognized. I felt unclothed in a world full of heavily cloaked individuals, as if I had worn layers of makeup for years, and I finally decided to wipe it away. Looking in the mirror, I realized I looked nothing like the facade the makeup had portrayed. This deep self-discovery journey was my attempt to uncover and unleash my authentic self after years of being shaped by others’ expectations. I had been told for so long who I was, that I had missed the true essence of my being. Disregarding the opinions and assumptions of others, I pondered: How do I see myself? I soon realized I wasn’t who I thought I was. Outside of being an entrepreneur, daughter, sibling, aunt, friend, and partner, who was I really? This question led me to delve deep within myself, to remove the layers of societal expectations and uncover my true identity. In this process, I created the 'Confused To Found: Self Discovery Journal,' aiming to assist others in removing the years of makeup they've worn, unveiling and embracing who they truly are.
For anyone reading, I want to invite you to ask yourself the very same question: Who am I beyond the roles and labels? Do you feel like the person you are today is your authentic self? Why or why not? Comment below. I look forward to reading your response!"